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ENplus A1 wood pellets. High-quality wood pellets (6 mm) are made from environmentally friendly pine wood without additives. They have high performance characteristics, such as high calorific value, low ash content and humidity. Our pellets do not slag and do not form cakes.

Delivery: Kiev, Kiev region, Ukraine and worldwide.

Ecological clean material in the form of cylindrical granules, which acts as an effective means of fuel for furnaces for industrial and domestic purposes

Buy A1 class wood pellets from pine at the best prices. The cost of fuel pellets is much lower than other manufacturers in Ukraine. (LLC “NEW ERA – ENERGY GROUP”) uses modern European equipment for the production of pellets in production, produces and sells A1-grade pellets.

Many manufacturers neglect manufacturing rules. There is no drying process, raw materials are pressed raw, incoming raw materials with a high content of bark and sand are used. As a result, granules with a high moisture content, high ash content, with low heat transfer and, as a result, cake layers on a pellet burner.

In our production, such omissions are not permissible. During the production of our pellets, all the required processing steps are followed. As a result, fuel granules presented to customers have excellent characteristics (high return temperature, low ash content, etc.).

Finished pellets are cooled, then packaged for ease of use and transportation.

Packaging options

  1. Wood pellets, pine, 6mm, polypropylene bag 15kg
  2. Wood pellets, pine, big-bag, 1 ton

Pine wood pellets comply with GOST (DSTU) 8486-86.

Features of pine pellets

Pine is ideal for the manufacture of wood pellets. This is explained by the fact that legnine is present in pine raw materials. It is this substance that has binding properties.

Pellets from pine do not require additional additives in the manufacture. This is explained by the fact that during the processing of wood waste all the adhesives needed for granules are released.

When comparing oak and pine pellets, there is a misconception that oak pellets are better. This is due to the fact that the specific calorific value of oak wood is higher than that of pine. This is due to the fact that the density of oak is higher – 1 m3 of oak wood weighs more than 1 m3 of pine wood, but 1 ton of pellets is 1 ton of pellets.

What are pellets intended for?

Fuel pellets are used for space heating. There are other areas where you can use wood pellets. The list below sets out what pine pellets are for:

  • Space heating. Pellets are used to heat residential buildings, summer cottages, utility rooms.
  • Power generation. Thanks to modern small steam-powered plants with pellet boilers, it is possible to generate not only heat, but also electricity.
  • Toilet filler for pets. Pine fuel pellets are known for their hygroscopicity. These granules also retain odors perfectly. Also, they are able to expand when wet. For example, just two handfuls of pellets will produce a whole layer of sawdust with a volume of several cubic centimeters. All of these properties make a wonderful cat litter out of ordinary pellets.

The above information explains the high popularity of goods in the form of wood pellets, their relevance, purchaseability, especially among owners of private houses, households.

Advantages of wood pellets from

By purchasing pine wood pellets in our online supermarket, you save your budget. Having tried our pellets in practice once, you will become our regular customer. The following are the main advantages of wood pellets:

1. Low price. We are a pellet manufacturer. Deliveries are conducted directly from the manufacturer to the buyer without intermediaries. This factor has a positive effect on pricing.

2. Ecological cleanliness. The use of wood waste has a positive effect on the environment. Pine raw materials from which fuel pellets are made from ecologically clean regions of Ukraine.

3. Low ash content – up to 0.7%. Our pellets do not slag and do not form cakes. We do not buy sawdust, which usually contains a large amount of sand – which increases leads to the appearance of cakes. First of all, it is your safety and the longevity of your boilers.

4. Low humidity of pellets – up to 10%. This primarily affects the heat transfer.

Data sheet

≤ 10%
Ash content
≤ 0.7%
Net calorific value
≥ 4.6 kWh/kg
Bulk density
600 ≤ BD ≤ 750 kg/m3
Mechanical durability
≥ 98.0%


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